After spending years working in the private yacht and restaurant ultra competitive industry, I now live a slightly less errant life. I teach, share recipes and make food for people that like me, want a more natural, nourishing and delicious way of eating.
Today, we find ourselves busier and with less time for cooking than ever, resorting to overly processed and fast meals which are having an enormous, but negative impact on our well being. Not everything is bad news, the capacity to change this -for the best- is in our hands.
I firmly believe in the power a good diet has over our health, I've learned from my parents that food is your medicine and have lived a mainly vegetarian lifestyle for the past 20 years feeling energized, in good health and happy.
Whilst food means nurture and survival it's also a cultural act that brings people together. We eat -and cook- for the pleasure of it, to celebrate and to socialize. So in here I wanted to join both notions, creating recipes that are good for your body but also a joy for your palate. Achievable and uncomplicated, hence the motto: simple. healthy. delicious.
That´s what this site is all about: food as nourishment and enjoyment.
Join me, I'd love to share this space with you...